We actively promote innovative and animal-assisted therapies
New domicile for the center differentia
The ProTerapia Foundation has found a new home for the Zentrum differentia, for which the foundation is currently working on the financing. By taking over the pony farm in Reinach, it will be able to continue its Therapeutic Dual Activation™, its social projects and its commitment to people, animals and nature in the Basel region.
Minivan for the center differentia
In order for the Zentrum differentia to be able to offer therapies in Emmental as an interim solution, the center is dependent on a minivan. We would now like to make it possible for the Zentrum differentia to purchase a minivan with eight seats so that patients can continue to be driven safely to therapy sessions in Emmental. It is of great concern to us that those affected in the Basel region continue to have access to therapy.
Saddle for people with disabilities
With this project, we enable people with physical disabilities to sit on horseback all by themselves. This conveys self-confidence and is gentle on the horse. This innovative saddle was designed for the differentia centre.