Centre differentia
The centre differentia is a place of encounter and joy. Taking into account the personal health situation, people are therapised with the partner horse using Therapeutic Dual Activation™(TDATM). The focus is on the human being, nature and the ten co-therapists (five horses and five ponies).
Initial situation
The equine assisted therapy center differentia works with the so-called Therapeutic Dual Activation™ (TDA™) and is a place of encounter and joy. Since the farm they had leased was sold two years ago, they had to temporarily stop their activities. The ProTerapia Foundation is working to find and finance a new property in the canton of Baselland, located in the countryside. This would give the center a new home and the possibility to start again with its therapy, its social projects and its commitment to people, animals and nature. Unfortunately, nothing suitable has come up so far.
The twelve-member horse family is currently housed in Emmental. Thanks to the support of the farm owner, the differentia center has been able to offer therapy sessions in Emmental on two Sundays per month. The therapists travel with a group of patients from the Basel area to the horses in Emmental on the respective dates.
The demand for TDA™ therapy is high. The Center differentia would like to continue to offer TDA™ therapy to its patients.
The ProTerapia Foundation has set itself the goal of financing a minivan with eight seats for the differentia center. It is of great concern to us that the differentia can develop further thanks to our support. It is equally important to us that they can continue to offer this effective, equine-assisted therapy.
Impact and benefit of the project
The Board of Trustees of the ProTerapia Foundation has reflected on the project and has come to the conclusion that the project "MINIVAN FOR THE DIFFERENTIA CENTER" is a suitable funding project and meets the overall strategic objectives. The therapy offer, the social projects and the training platform of the differentia are offers with social as well as sustainable effectiveness.
With the financial support, the ProTerapia Foundation can make its contribution so that the Zentrum differentia can transport its patients safely and sustainably and thus the re-entry in the Emmental can be started. This has a high impact, the patients have access to the therapy and the center differentia can continue its operation in a small framework.
The minivan will continue to be used at the future site in Baselland. Children, senior citizens and people with physical disabilities can be transported directly from the differentia center. In addition, the foundation aims to equip the minivan with wheelchair access in the future. The minivan is a long-term investment.
Your support counts!
The cost of the project minivan for the center "differentia" is about CHF 30'000.-. CHF 20'000.- is the estimated need for donations.
Whether foundation, association, company or private person: Your contribution counts! Your support enables professional, sustainable and safe transport. Through your donations, patients continue to have access to TDA™ therapy. A learning and experience center characterized by cordiality, where everyone feels comfortable in contact with animals and nature, is allowed to be themselves and the patients as well as the center can develop positively as a result.
Thank you very much!
We would like to thank the following organisations, companies and individuals for their generous support:
- Rally Garage Müller GmbH, Anonymous donations
BLKB, reference: "Mini-Van"
Account no. 4365.0329.2001
IBAN CH60 0076 9436 5032 9200 1
ProTerapia Foundation Sierenzerstrasse 76
CH-4055 Basel