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Foundation Board

The faces behind the ProTerapia Foundation

Gabriela Pernter Volpe

Foundation President

Gabriela Pernter Volpe has been working independently as a TEN naturopath for years. Her first horse set her on the path to TDA™ development and opened up a new path to equine-assisted therapy. It is a great concern of hers that many sick people are allowed to experience the curative animal-assisted therapies.

Niggi Thurnherr

Foundation Board

Niggi Thurnherr is a retired school headmaster and has seen cognitively impaired children make enormous progress and blossom through animal-assisted therapies.

Gabriel Plinke

Foundation Board

Gabriel Plinke works as a financial planner in a local bank.
He found horse therapy helpful during a difficult time and would therefore like to see animal-assisted therapies become more widely known in Switzerland so that many people can be helped.